I made a blue and brown tutu for Ms. Brynlee a while ago for some pictures and she loves the tutu so much she wanted some onesies to go with, so she can get a new set of pictures made. I cant wait to see the way they turn out.
Ms. Corbyn isn't due until this fall but she is already getting set up with all she needs.
Hey Kerri - I need some stuff!! I really need burp cloths monogrammed with her name and maybe some with her initials. Can you tell me how much for like 6 of them, all different colors and styles and fun designs?? I also want the onesie like Brynlee's, the zebra circle around her initial, how much? And I want in purple and black...Please =)!
I love the crab....too cute!!
Ok, Mr. Crabby is adorable and so is his onesie!
Hey Kerri - I need some stuff!! I really need burp cloths monogrammed with her name and maybe some with her initials. Can you tell me how much for like 6 of them, all different colors and styles and fun designs?? I also want the onesie like Brynlee's, the zebra circle around her initial, how much? And I want in purple and black...Please =)!
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